Steve G.

Archive for June 16th, 2008|Daily archive page

“Crusty right winger” Barr has “little following”, says US News and World Report

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 4:51 pm

The Libertarian Party has already endorsed former Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia, a crusty right winger, as its presidential nominee. But Barr has little following compared with Paul, a previous Libertarian candidate who has not endorsed the Georgian.

Read the entire article here.

Sullentrup threatens Angela Keaton

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 4:45 pm

Although he has absolutely no authority whatsoever to do so, LNC Secretary Bill Sullentrup has told elected LNC At-Large Representative Angela Keaton to resign, with a veiled threat that her resignation would “save [her] and the rest of [the LNC] the trouble.”

The trouble of what, Mr. Sullentrup? Do tell.

The following documentation is on Angela Keaton’s blog.


Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:53:07 -0700
Subject: Re: [Lnc-discuss] Mail Ballot, Give-or-Get Program

So, let me get this straight.
If, say, Dan Karlan, Bill Redpath, Jim Lark and several others tell me to go ahead and disclose to others how much we gave and raised, this motion basically prohibits us from doing so.
I wonder if anyone else is as troubled by the philosophical implications of this motion as I am.
Aaron Starr


RE: [Lnc-discuss] Mail Ballot, Give-or-Get Program‏
From: Keaton (
Sent: Mon 6/16/08 2:19 PM
To: Aaron Starr (; LNC Discuss (

Mr. Starr:

First, no one pays his accountant for philosophical insights. Stick to the matter at hand. Second, the appeals to name dropping don’t work with those us beyond the age of 13. If Messrs. Karlan, Redpath and Lark wish to shave their heads and stick them in ant hills, will we add that to the policy manual? Finally, where was the push for this last term? Oh, of course, we wouldn’t want a radical to outshine the oh so rich and attractive moderates hence the applying of other people’s solicitations to your little friend’s totals.

Really, I’ve had enough. If any of you are qualified to be on an actual board of directors, please knock yourselves out. Don’t diddle the rest of us.


Sent: Mon 6/16/08 2:29 PM
To: Keaton (


<Really, I’ve had enough.>

I gathered as much.

So why don’t you resign? Save yourself and the rest of us the trouble.

Rasmussen Poll Data

In Politics on June 16, 2008 at 4:26 pm

Here is where it gets tough for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party.  Polling companies like Rassmussen are giving polls with the only options for President being Barack Obama and John McCain.   The poll among Arkansas voters show that 8% prefer “some other candidate.”

Why do people give such credence to polling firms?  I remember a class action lawsuit filed by the LPPA and LP candidates Richard Piotrowski and Betsy Summers against Quinnipiac College.  The college accepts federal money for student tuition and is supposed to be unbiased in politics.  Excluding candidates on the ballot constitutes as bias according to the law suit.  I haven’t heard anything about the suit since it was filed.

The longer polls exclude Bob Barr, the harder it will be for him (as well as for downticket candidates.)


Suspected fraud in BTP online convention voting

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 4:00 pm

In the Boston Tea Party’s online convention, there is some very serious concern about fraudulent voting.

It appears that some people may be creating multiple accounts – one seems to have as many as 12 accounts from the same IP – so they can vote multiple times; it appears those votes were cast for “None of the Above”, causing a situation wherein the top candidate for the VP slot was tied with NOTA.  The site has therefore been closed to registration at this time, and the suspicious votes have been disallowed.

Of course, there are undoubtedly some legitimate votes for NOTA, especially since members can vote for more than one candidate for each office.

However, there is concern that the party is losing out on legitimate members, by closing new member registration during the voting; and it appears that under the Bylaws, the party cannot close to new membership during the convention, though it has been done as an emergency measure since it is believed the site is under attack.

Unfortunately, a number of the new users are both attracted to the poll because something is happening here, and are apparently visiting parts of the site to indicate reflection on the candidates and issues. Thus, we are being screwed out of legitimate new members by the action of this vicious little spammer.

Voting will continue until 9 pm EDT tonight.  At present, assumably after the suspected fraudulent votes have been disallowed, the results are as follows:

Presidential candidates: 37 votes cast so far

Charles Jay 68% (25 votes)

None of the Above 32% (12 votes)

Robert Milnes 14% (5 votes)

Vice Presidential candidates: 33 votes cast so far

Thomas L. Knapp 58% (19 votes)

Todd Andrew Barnett 30% (10 votes)

None of the Above 27% (9 votes)

Chris Bennett 18% (6 votes)

Steve Kubby: “Miracles Happen”

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 2:27 pm

The following is published with the permission of Steve Kubby.  All I can really say is, WOW!!!

Miracles Happen

by Steve Kubby

So far, 2008 has been one of the most incredible years of my life. One miracle after another has come my way, transforming my life before my very eyes. It’s all happened so fast that I haven’t had a chance, until now, to write you and share all the good news.

In the first six months of this year, I’ve seen my legal status go from convicted felon to all charges being dismissed and my record wiped clean. That’s a miracle I never thought I’d live to see.

This May, I participated in the Libertarian Party’s Presidential Debate, televised live to the entire nation on C-SPAN. Although I was up against former US Congressman Bob Barr and US Senator Mike Gravel, I did well and many people told me I actually won the debate. Although I did not win the nomination, I accumulated a great deal of political assets within the party and I’ve made many wonderful new libertarian friends.

But there is even more exciting news to share!

This year, I discovered a process for producing a new kind of cannabis medicine. Miraculously, I’ve developed a simple, highly effective pill for my own personal use that provides a uniform, time release dosage and has an onset of just 30 minutes. The key is a bioactive matrix that makes the cannabinoids in the pill much more available for sublingual uptake. Naturally, I use only whole plant extracts from organically grown plants.

This year, the emerging market for cannabinoid medicines is estimated a $1 billion. There are only two companies in this market, Cannasat, worth about $12 million and GW Pharmaceuticals, worth over $100 million. Based upon research and consultations with world authorities, I believe my new medicine will easily out perform the products currently being produced or tested.

Winning government approval for my new medicine won’t be easy, but I have assembled a world class team to accomplish just that. Included in our team is a former CEO of a pharmaceutical company and a 20 year Chief Science Officer from a top pharmaceutical company, who specialized in taking new drugs through the FDA process.

I’m also in the process of launching a new company called CALYX Pharmaceutical to research and develop my discovery. My new libertarian friends, some of whom are quite successful, are helping me and we are all very excited about capturing an emerging billion dollar market.

Of course there is much more to this story than I can tell you here, but if you’d like to know more, just drop me a line.

I’ve always felt blessed to have friends and family like you. Now I feel doubly blessed and rewarded for my faith and persistence. You’ve seen me through the dark times, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating the good times ahead.

BTW, I still support the full legalization of cannabis. My medicines will be targeted for those patients who cannot tolerate, or wish to avoid, smoking or vaporizing.

Barr vs. Paul On The Issues: Barr Comes Out Ahead

In Civil Liberties, Constitutional Rights, Libertarian, Libertarian Party-US, Personal Responsibility, Politics on June 16, 2008 at 4:29 am

After reading a great hue and cry about my comments supporting our Party’s ticket in 2008, many people compared Bob Barr unfavorably to other Libertarians (as well as Ron Paul) on a whole host of issues, including DOMA and immigration.  So let’s look at the individual candidates and see who is closer, today, to the Libertarian Party platform on two issues often invoked by self-described “principled purists” when attacking the Libertarian nominee.


The LP platform says that “Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.”  Where do Bob Barr and Ron Paul stand on this?

Barr says that “we must be aggressive in securing our borders while at the same time, vigilantly fighting the nanny state that seeks to coddle even those capable of providing for their own personal prosperity.”  He proposes an approach identical to the LP platform — maintaining control over the borders to allow peaceful people in, while denying entry to criminals.

Ron Paul, in contrast, favors the imposition of visas, including demanding that federal bureaucrats “track visa holders and deport anyone who overstays their visa.”  He also complains that open borders will “allow up to 60 million more immigrants into our country, according to the [arch-conservative] Heritage Foundation.  This is insanity.”  He advocates an end to citizenship by birth, a concept of American law since the beginning of the Republic.  He also ran one of the most anti-immigrant television advertisements in the Republican primary.

Most Libertarian candidate of the two on immigration: Bob Barr.

The Defense of Marriage Act, Marriage Equality, and Sexual Freedom

Bob Barr co-sponsored and authored the Defense of Marriage Act.  Ron Paul supports DOMA and declares that he would vote for it in its entirety.

The Libertarian Party platform says that “Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the rights of individuals by government, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships.”

Barr has advocated a repeal of the DOMA provisions that force the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriages performed by states that do recognize them.  In his nomination speech at the Libertarian National Convention, he declared that “The Defense of Marriage Act, insofar as it provided the federal government a club to club down the rights of law abiding citizens has been abused, misused and should be repealed. And I will work to repeal that.”  This position moves the federal stance on this issue significantly closer to the Libertarian Party platform.

Ron Paul, in contrast, has declared that “I would have voted for the Defense of Marriage Act… to ensure that no state would be forced to recognize a ‘same sex’ marriage license.”  That’s directly opposed to the Libertarian Platform.

On the California same-sex marriage ruling, Barr released a press release applauding the California Supreme Court’s ruling, stating that “The decision in California is an illustration of how this principle of states’ powers should work.”

In contrast, Ron Paul has declared his undying opposition to same-sex marriage in his own state (in opposition to the LP platform), stating that “If I were a member of the Texas legislature, I would do all I could to oppose any attempt by rogue judges to impose a new definition of marriage,” effectively nullifying the equal protection clauses of the state and federal constitutions.

Worse still, Paul strongly supports state governments as sex police, declaring on the floor of the House that “the State of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex, using its own local standards” — a position that no serious libertarian could possibly take.

Most Libertarian candidate of the two on these issues: Bob Barr.  By far.

Now, you may be wondering why I am focusing on these two issues.  It’s mostly because so many purists for Paul have attacked the LP (and Barr) on the basis of his positions on immigration and DOMA, while ignoring their own preferred candidate’s positions.

Many have lectured me, declaring that “conservatism isn’t libertarianism” and other 50 cent cliches, while ignoring the fact that their own ideal candidate is more conservative on these issues — to the point of citing conservative groups like Heritage on hot-button social issues.

I could continue comparing the records of the two candidates in this regard on many more issues, and on most of them, Barr will not come out waving the white flag based on the Libertarian Party platform.

In short, if you’re proposing that Ron Paul is the antidote to conservatism as represented by Bob Barr, you need a remedial course in the positions of the two candidates.  It’s time for Ron Paul partisans to drop their “revolution” pipe dream and take an honest look at the Libertarian Party’s candidate and positions — while also honestly acknowledging their own tone-deafness on many areas of personal liberty crucial not only to American libertarians, but all American citizens.

Angela Keaton continues to give ’em hell

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 4:01 am

From LNC member Angela Keaton’s blog.

Standards apply, except when they don’t‏
From: Keaton (
Sent: Mon 6/16/08 1:45 AM
To: Stewart Flood (xxxnet);
My dear, Mr. Flood:

Of course resumes are confidential. No resumes were revealed. Some of us are aware of standard hiring and firing practices Unfortunately, judging by the disposition of the former ED’s tenure, Messrs. Colley, Redpath, et al., do not. (READ: In a real political party, Cory would have had his rump handed back to him.)Nothing was “broadcast” by me except to subtly drive home the points that first, Mr. Colley neglected to mention that the first candidate he listed was a central member of the Reform Caucus, a fact that given the current tensions might would be worth noting; second, that the Radicals should defer to the reformers on hiring so that they can have a free hand to implement their ideological and strategical agenda; finally, that given our entrance on the world stage, we should expect external and internal scrutiny.

If you can’t handle a little criticism from a menstruating retired titty dancer, I shudder to think what you would do on Anderson Cooper.

basium meus ass

BTP VP race includes LFV contributors

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 3:49 am

LFV has two contributors in the Boston Tea Party VP race: Chris Bennett, and Thomas Knapp.  At this point, the winners appear to be Charles Jay (P) and Tom Knapp (VP).  However, so far only 18 people have voted, so that could still change dramatically.

The Presidential candidates are Charles Jay and Robert Milnes.  The VP candidates are Chris Bennett, Tom Knapp, and Todd Andrew Barnett.

If you are a BTP member (joining requires only registering with the site) and are so inclined, head on over and give our contributors (or the candidate of your choice, as the case may be) some vote love.  Polls will remain open until 9 pm EDT on Monday.

Angela Keaton continues the battle re Executive Director search

In Libertarian on June 16, 2008 at 2:14 am

From LNC member Angela Keaton’s blog.

ENM observation: I can understand why they might want to keep Executive Director resumes from being made public, but there is no reason why the LNC members – elected to represent and protect the members’ interests – should not see the resumes.  This really makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.


Re: [Lnc-discuss] A Reminder: LNC’s role‏
From: on behalf of Keaton (
Sent: Sun 6/15/08 6:49 PM
To: Scott L. (;
Excellent idea. Let’s post all the resumes to the and we will let the membership vote on who will get paid to insult the membership, ignore the principles and cater to the officers’ whims.

Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 11:16:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [Lnc-discuss] A Reminder: LNC’s role

“The activities of the Libertarian National Committee are not for the benefit of the committee but for the membership of the Party. Executive session is limited and specific to internal matters regarding hired personnel and possible pending litigation.

We owe a debt to Dr. Ruwart for suggesting that the other committee members be allowed to see the resumes.


Ms Keaton:

I can think of one reason right off the top of my head why the viewing of received ED resumes should be restricted to the ED Search Committee and the Chair: some job applicants don’t want their employer to know they are looking for a new position. I am sure there are other valid reasons that applicants would not want their resumes to be even semi-public.

I would like to know why Dr. Ruwart, Ms. Keaton, and maybe Mr. Wrights want ED applicant’s resumes, or at least their names, to be available to the membership and/or the LNC, yet these same LNC members do not want even the other members of the LNC to know how LNC members are doing in the Give or Get Program. I would think that if you are in favor of full disclosure, you would be very happy for the membership to see the Give or Get totals.

Scott Lieberman