Steve G.

Voices from LFV Mailbag: Barr pledges to repeal DOMA

In Libertarian on May 27, 2008 at 7:25 pm

LFV received a link to the following YouTube video from Brian Miller.

  1. I want to be fair, but Barr has been carefully wording his comments on DOMA to refer to SOME provisions of it, not IT, and he has so far failed to unequivocally state that DOMA should be repealed. Keep an open mind, folks, but keep pressuring him for an explicit repeal, or else plan to write off the LGBT community and the people who care about them (which thankfully is a population far, far, far larger than just the number of LGBT).

    I have many gay couples as clients in my financial advisory practice who have lost and will lose tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to gift, estate, and income taxes because of the refusal of the federal government to acknowledge same sex marriages. It isn’t enough to let each state determine its state treatment of gay marriage when it affects so many federal treatments of gay marriage.

    DOMA should be repealed, and we should continue to pressure Barr until he removes the Clintonesque wording of his answer. For those who believe Barr’s journey toward consistent libertarianism is incomplete, there’s no reason to think he can’t grow between now and September, which will be a critical month (once the Republican convention is over, many Ron Paul r3VOLutionaries will take a look at Barr and determine if they think he is r3VOLutionary enough).

  2. I agree completely with Less. Barr has side-stepped very maladroitly on this issue (and many others). We have him as a candidate–that’s been settled.

    But that doesn’t mean we let him off the hook to live up to Libertarian principles.

  3. OK that comment is probably stuck in spam queue somewhere.

    Less is right. We have Barr/Root now as our candidates.

    We still have to hold them publicly to Libertarian principles–even the platform.

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