Steve G.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

In History, Libertarian, War on March 18, 2009 at 1:57 am

I know, I know. St. Patrick’s Day is technically over here on the U.S. East Coast. But, since it’s still St. Patrick’s Day over on the West Coast, I figured I’d slip this post in before it is too late.

According to Wikipedia, “In 1780, General George Washington, who commanded soldiers of Irish descent in the Continental Army, allowed his troops a holiday on 17 March ‘as an act of solidarity with the Irish in their fight for independence.’ This event became known as The St. Patrick’s Day Encampment of 1780” (cited 18 March 2009, 1:27 AM).

To our Irish brothers and sisters, here’s to hoping that you someday achieve total independence from the United Kingdom.

(Ireland is an interesting case study for libertarian historians. For example, see Murray Rothbard’s For a New Liberty, pp. 64, 231–33, and 240.)

  1. “To our Irish brothers and sisters, here’s to hoping that you someday achieve total independence from the United Kingdom.”

    Hopefully a bloodless coup, and one which our Unionist neighbors find acceptable. We need our home to be whole, and our people to be equal.

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